I specialize in creating illustration systems, storyboards, and working with creative teams. You can usually find me on a hike or working with motion design studios and collaborating with clients like Meta, Google, & Amazon. If you would like to work together or say hi, email me at meganpelto@gmail.com.
I was raised in New England before moving to Savannah, GA & earning my BFA in Illustration at SCAD. I previously worked at Buck in LA and have been freelancing full time for 9 years with a large variety of studios and brands. I’m currently a full-time freelance illustrator and work from home in Portland, Oregon.
Buck Design. Meta. Oddfellows. Amazon. Google. Youtube. Hello Scholar. Venmo. Spotify. Pinterest. LinkedIn. Digital Kitchen. Aids Foundation of Chicago. Healthline. Hornet. Brand New School. Sodastream. Pangeaseed. Dresscode. Visa.
I enjoy talking with students about my journey from college to working as a full time freelance illustrator, as well as sharing insights into working in the Motion Design industry.
Women in Motion Panel - Dash Bash Animation and Motion Design Festival.
Class presentations with Savannah College of Art and Design.
Freelancing Panels with Savannah College of Art and Design.
Class presentation with Pratt School of Design.
Class Presentation with University of Maine.